1st October - Caitlin Krisko & The Broadcast - https://www.caitlinkriskoandthebroadcast.com

24th September - Jack J Hutchinson - https://jackjhutchinsonmusic.com

17th September - Kara Grainger - http://www.karagrainger.net  

10th September - The Greig Taylor Band & Bison Hip - https://www.facebook.com/greigtaylorblues  https://www.bisonhip.com

3rd September - Chantel McGregor - https://www.chantelmcgregor.com

27th August - Thomas Heppell Band - https://www.thomasheppell.com

20th August - The Boneshakers - https://www.officialboneshakers.com

6th August - Tamara Stewart - https://www.facebook.com/tamarastewartmusic

30th July - The TNMC 10th Anniversary with Elles Bailey & Dom Martin https://www.ellesbailey.com https://www.dommart.in

23rd July - Beaux Gris Gris & The Apocalypse - https://www.beauxgrisgris.com

16th July - The James Oliver Band - https://www.jamesoliverband.co.uk

9th July - The Alex Voysey Band - https://www.alexvoyseymusic.com

2nd July - The Robin Bibi Big Band Album Launch - https://robinbibiband.co.uk

25th June - The Errol Linton Band - https://www.errollinton.com

18th June - The Milk Men - https://www.themilkmenmusic.com

11th June - The Zac Schulze Gang - https://www.zacschulzegang.rocks

4th June - Krissy Matthews & Friends - https://www.krissymatthews.com

28th May - The Trevor Babajack Trio - https://www.trevorbabajacksteger.com

21st May - The Chloe Josephine Band plus Amba Tremain - chloejosephine.bandcamp.com   ambatremainmusic.com

14th May - Breezy Rodio & Will Jacobs Band - http://www.breezyrodio.com  https://willjacobsband.com

7th May - Alice Armstrong - https://www.alicearmstrongmusic.co.uk

30th April - Lightning Threads - https://www.lightningthreads.com

23rd April - Sean Taylor Duo - https://www.seantaylorsongs.com

16th April - Connolly Hayes - https://connollyhayes.com

9th April - The Tom Killner Band - https://www.tomkillner.com

2nd April - The Malcolm Bruce Band - https://www.malcolmbrucemusic.com

26th March - Hollie Rogers & Her Band - https://www.hollierogers.com

19th March - The Sean Webster Band - https://www.seanwebsterband.com

12th March - The Della Grants - https://www.thedellagrants.com

5th March - The Greg Coulson Band - https://www.gregcoulson.co.uk

27th February - Rodney Branigan - https://brokenguitars.com

20th February - Big River - https://bigriverofficial.com

13th February - Big Wolf Band - https://www.bigwolfband.com

6th February - Brave Rival - https://braverival.com


19th December - The TNMC Xmas Party with Catfish & Friends - https://www.catfishband.com

12th December  - Jana Varga & Band play a homage to the songs of Joni Mitchell (with special guests)

5th December - Jimmy Regal & The Royals - https://www.jimmyregalandtheroyals.com

28th November - C Bone - https://cbonemusic.com

21st November - The Steve Eggs Band - https://www.steveeggsband.co.uk

14th November - Consummate Rogues - https://consummaterogues.bandcamp.com

7th November - Five Points Gang - https://www.fivepointsgang.com

31st October - Demi Marriner - https://www.demimarriner.co.uk

24th October - The Toby Lee Band - https://www.toby-lee.com

17th October - The Robin Bibi Big Band - https://robinbibiband.co.uk

10th October - The Achievers and Greg Brice - https://www.theachieversuk.com   https://www.gregbricemusic.co.uk/

3rd October - Bywater Call - https://bywatercall.com  

26th September - Jack J Hutchinson - https://jackjhutchinsonmusic.com

19th September - Reggie King Sears - https://www.reggiekingsears.com

12th September - Martin McNeill's Bottleneck Blues Band - https://bottleneck-blues.com

5th September - Xander & The Peace Pirates - https://www.xanderandthepeacepirates.com

29th August - The Terraplanes Blues Band - https://www.theterraplanesbluesband.com

22nd August - The Soho Dukes + Ramblin' Preachers (acoustic) - https://sohodukes.com www.ramblinpreachers.com

15th August - True Strays - https://www.truestrays.com

8th August - The Troy Redfern Band plus Jack Browning - https://troyredfern.com  https://jackbrowningartist.com

1st August - The TNMC 9th Anniversary with Brave Rival plus Matt & Paul Long  https://braverival.com

25th July - Darnell Cole & The Vibe - http://www.darnellcole.com/

11th July - The Incredible Blues Puppies feat Belinda Campbell - http://www.thebarcodes.co.uk/Pages-IBP/IBPhome.html

4th July - Hardwicke Circus - https://www.hardwickecircus.tv

27th June - Beaux Gris Gris & The Apocalypse - https://www.beauxgrisgris.com

20th June - Ashley Sherlock - https://ashleysherlock.com

13th June - The Jess Hayes & Frankie Connolly Band - https://www.jesshayes.co.uk

6th June - Errol Linton - https://www.errollinton.com

30th May - Blue Nation - https://www.bluenation.co.uk

23rd May - Bad Luck Friday - https://www.badluckfriday.com

16th May - Miguel Montalban - http://www.miguelmontalban.com

9th May - The Gary Fletcher Band - https://www.garyfletchermusic.net

2nd May - The Mike Ross Band plus Isabella Coulstock - https://www.mikerossmusic.co.uk https://www.isabellamusic.co.uk

25th April - The Zac Schulze Gang - https://www.zacschulzegang.rocks

18th April - The Guy Tortora Band - http://www.guytortora.com

11th April - Dom Pipkin & The Ikos - https://www.dompipkin.com

4th April - Dom Martin - https://www.dommart.in

28th March - The Verity / Bromham Band

21st March - Thomas Atlas - https://www.thomasatlas.com

14th March - Pearl Handled Revolver - https://pearlhandledrevolver.co.uk

7th March - The Cadillac Kings - https://www.cadillackings.co.uk

28th February - Alice Armstrong - https://www.alicearmstrongmusic.co.uk

21st February - The Wilson Brothers - https://www.thewilsonbrothers.co.uk

14th February - The Cinelli Brothers - http://www.cinellibrothers.com     

7th February - Thomas Heppell Band & Ed Blunt - https://www.thomasheppell.com https://edblunt.co.uk


20th December -  The Kyla Brox Band plus Brave Rival Acoustic - https://www.kylabrox.com  https://braverival.com

13th December - Jana Varga & Her Band - https://janamusic.net

6th December - Mississippi MacDonald - https://mississippimacdonald.com

29th November - The Krissy Matthews Band - https://www.krissymatthews.com

22nd November - The Trevor Babajack Trio - https://www.trevorbabajacksteger.com

15th November - The James Oliver Band - https://www.jamesoliverband.co.uk

8th November - The Robin Bibi Big Band and Thomas Heppell - https://robinbibiband.co.uk

1st November - Del Bromham & Friends - http://www.straytheband.co.uk

25th October - Big Wolf Band - https://www.bigwolfband.com

18th October - Malaya Blue - https://malayabluemusic.com

11th October - The Connor Selby Band - https://www.connorselby.com

4th October - The Boneshakers - https://www.officialboneshakers.com

27th September - Hollie Rogers and Amba Tremain - https://www.hollierogers.com https://www.ambatremainmusic.com

20th September - Darnell Cole & The Vibe plus Falling Doves - https://porcelainhill.com  http://www.fallingdoves.com

13th September - The Lucky 13s - https://www.thelucky13s.com

6th September - The Debbie Bond Trio - https://www.debbiebond.com

30th August - Catfish - https://www.catfishbluesband.co.uk

23rd August - The Emma Jonson Band - https://emmajonson.com

16th August - The Hiding Magpies - https://hidingmagpies.co.uk

9th August - The Gemma Dorsett Band - https://www.gemmadorsett.com

2nd August - Alice Armstrong & Dom Martin Bands https://www.alicearmstrongmusic.co.uk https://www.dommart.in

26th July - Ramon Goose Trio with special guest Martin McNeill - https://www.facebook.com/ramongooseofficial/

19th July - The Hitman Blues Band feat. The New York City Horns - http://www.hitmanbluesband.com

12th July - The Sean Webster Band - https://www.seanwebsterband.com

5th July - Emma Wilson - https://www.emmawilson.net

28th June - The Milk Men - https://www.themilkmenmusic.com

21st June - Brave Rival - https://braverival.com

31st May - The Wily Bo Walker Band - https://wilybo.com

24th May - Matt Pearce & The Mutiny - https://mattpearceandthemutiny.com

17th May - The Supernatural celebration of Peter Green (Tim Hain, Robin Bibi, Alan Glen, Gregg Kofi Brown)

10th May - Ramblin' Preachers - https://www.ramblinpreachers.com

3rd May - Ian Siegal - https://iansiegal.com

26th April - Sean Taylor Duo plus Jana Varga - https://www.seantaylorsongs.com  https://janamusic.net

19th April - Alvin Youngblood Hart - https://ayhmusic.com

12th April - Laura Evans - https://thelauraevans.com

5th April - The Mentulls - https://www.thementulls.com

29th March - Beaux Gris Gris & The Apocalypse - https://www.beauxgrisgris.com

22nd March - The Dave Kelly Band - https://www.thebluesband.net/bio/DaveKelly.html

15th March - Eddy Smith And The 507 & Jana Varga - https://www.eddysmithmusic.com  https://janamusic.net

8th March - The Matt Woosey Trio - https://www.mattwoosey.co.uk

1st March - The Alice Armstrong Projects - https://www.alicearmstrongmusic.co.uk

22nd February - Jack J Hutchinson - https://jackjhutchinsonmusic.com

15th February - John Verity Band - http://www.johnverity.com

8th February - The Chris Corcoran Big Band - https://www.chriscorcoranmusic.com

1st February - Sam Kelly's Station House - http://www.sam-kelly.co.uk



21st December - Robin Bibi's Big Band - Xmas Party! - https://robinbibiband.co.uk

14th December - The Stevie Watts Organ Trio featuring Alice Armstrong - https://www.steviewatts.org

7th December - The Hiding Magpies - https://hidingmagpies.co.uk

30th November - The Krissy Matthews Band - https://www.krissymatthews.com

23rd November - Northsyde & Hooson Maguire (Duo) - http://www.northsyde.co.uk  www.facebook.com/HoosonMaguire/

16th November - Dom Martin's Savages - https://www.dommart.in

9th November - Ashley Sherlock & Laura Holland Duo - https://ashleysherlock.com  www.facebook.com/TheLauraHollandDuo

2nd November - When Rivers Meet - https://whenriversmeet.co.uk    

26th October - Tom Killner - https://www.tomkillnerband.co.uk

19th October - The Alex Hamilton Band - https://www.alexhamiltonguitar.com

5th October - Ian Siegal - https://iansiegal.com

28th September - The Head Hunters Blues Band - https://www.facebook.com/TheHeadHuntersBluesBand

21st September - The Rebecca Downes Band - https://www.rebeccadownes.com

14th September - The Ash Wilson Band - https://www.ashwilsonmusic.com

7th September - Connor Selby - https://www.connorselby.com

31st August - The Cinelli Brothers - http://www.cinellibrothers.com

24th August - The Lucky 13s - https://www.thelucky13s.com

17th August - The Bad Day Blues Band & Delta Fuse - https://www.bad-day.net  www.facebook.com/deltafuse1/

10th August - Saints & Sinners - https://www.facebook.com/Saints-Sinners-108164480541656

3rd August - Catfish & Crossfire - https://www.catfishbluesband.co.uk  https://www.facebook.com/crossfirebluesbanduk/

20th July - ONLINE - Dom Martin - https://www.dommart.in

13th July - ONLINE - Redfish Blues Band - https://www.redfishband.co.uk

1st June - ONLINE - Mike Ross - https://www.mikerossmusic.co.uk

18th May - ONLINE - The Laura Holland Duo - https://www.facebook.com/TheLauraHollandDuo

4th May - ONLINE - Robin Bibi - https://robinbibiband.co.uk

20th April  - ONLINE - Ash Wilson - https://www.ashwilsonmusic.com

6th April - ONLINE - The Cinelli Brothers - http://www.cinellibrothers.com

23rd March - ONLINE - Greg Coulson & Friends - https://www.gregcoulson.co.uk

10th March - ONLINE - Ian Siegal - https://iansiegal.com

23rd February - ONLINE - Yoka & Big Ray - https://www.facebook.com/YokaBigRay

9th February - ONLINE - Kyla Brox & Danny Blomeley - https://www.kylabrox.com

26th January - ONLINE  - Dom Martin - https://www.dommart.in

12th January - ONLINE - Matt Long - https://www.mattlong.net



15th December - ONLINE - Lisa Mann - http://lisamannmusic.com

1st December - ONLINE - The James Oliver Band - https://www.jamesoliverband.co.uk

17th November - ONLINE - When Rivers Meet - www.WhenRiversMeet.co.uk

3rd November - ONLINE - Hooson Maguire & Marcus Lazarus & Adam Dalby - www.facebook.com/HoosonMaguire/  http://marcuslazarus.com

25th October - ONLINE - Dan Burnett - https://danburnett.co.uk

20th October - ONLINE - Rebecca Downes & Steve Birkett - https://www.rebeccadownes.com

6th October - ONLINE - Troy Redfern & Mike Ross -  troyredfern.com   https://www.mikerossmusic.co.uk

22nd September - ONLINE - Trevor Sewell - https://www.trevorsewell.com

28th July - ONLINE - Catfish (duo), Robin Bibi and Troy Redfern - www.catfishbluesband.co.uk  robinbibiband.co.uk  troyredfern.com

16th June - ONLINE - When Rivers Meet and Ash Wilson - https://whenriversmeet.co.uk  https://www.ashwilsonmusic.com

19th May - ONLINE - James Oliver, Connor Selby, Dom Martin and Elles Bailey

28th April - ONLINE - Elles Bailey and Matt Long - https://www.ellesbailey.com    https://www.mattlong.net

14th Aptil  -   ONLINE - Mike Ross and Rosco Levee

10th March  -    Ma Bessie - https://www.facebook.com/MaBessieBand/

3rd March  -   The Dan Burnett Band - http://www.danburnett.co.uk

25th February  -   Brave Rival - https://www.braverival.com

18th February  -   Broken Levee - http://brokenlevee.co.uk

11th February -    The Dave Kelly Band -

4th February  -   The Head Hunters Blues Band - https://www.facebook.com/TheHeadHuntersBluesBand/

28th January  -   The Connor Selby Band - https://www.connorselby.com

21st January  -   Mike Vernon & The Mighty Combo - https://www.mikevernonandthemightycombo.com

14th January  -   The Gary Fletcher Band - https://www.garyfletchermusic.net

7th January  -   The Voodoo Sheiks AND Lee Ainley's Blues Storm - https://www.voodoo-sheiks.com  http://bluesstorm.co.uk



17th December  -   The Cinelli Brothers AND Crossfire - www.cinellibrothers.com   www.crossfirebluesband.com

10th December  -   Oli Brown - http://www.olibrownofficial.com

3rd December  -    Sayer & Joyce - https://www.sayerandjoyce.co.uk

26th November  -   Dom Martin - https://dommart.in

19th November  -   Katy Hurt AND Crossfire (Lite) - https://www.katyhurt.com

12th November  -   Black Market III - www.blackmarketiii.com

5th November  -   The Laura Holland Duo - https://www.facebook.com/LauraHollandBand

29th October  -   The Mike Ross Band AND The Troy Redfern Band - www.mikerossmusic.co.uk   http://troyredfern.com

22nd October  -   Sugarman Sam AND The Robert J Hunter Band - www.ssvdm.co.uk    http://robertjhunter.co.uk

15th October  -   Doug MacLeod - www.doug-macleod.com

8th October  -   Never The Bride - www.neverthebride.com

1st October  -   The Achievers - www.theachieversuk.com

24th September  -   The Sean Webster Band - www.seanwebsterband.com

17th September  -   The Mentulls - www.thementulls.com

10th September  -   Geoff Achison & The UK Soul Diggers - www.geoffachison.com

3rd September  -   Roadhouse - http://www.roadhousegb.liveblues.info

27th August  -   Matt Long AND Jack J Hutchinson Bands - www.mattlong.net   https://jackjhutchinsonmusic.com

20th August  -  Beaux Gris Gris & The Apocalypse - https://www.beauxgrisgris.com

6th August  - The Kyla Brox Band - https://www.kylabrox.com

                       Matt Long (solo) - https://www.mattlong.net                  

                       Half Deaf Clatch - https://www.halfdeafclatch.com


30th July  -   Irene Rae - https://www.irenerae.com

23rd July  -   James & Black - https://jamesandblack.org

16th July  -   The Lewis Hamilton Band - http://www.lewishamiltonmusic.co.uk

9th July  -   Big Gilson & Blues Dynamite UK - http://biggilson.com

2nd July  -   The Robin Bibi Band - https://robinbibiband.co.uk

25th June  -   Lethbridge Owen - https://www.lethbridgeowen.com

18th June   -   The Big Wolf Band with Zoe Green - www.bigwolfband.com

11th June   -   The Head Hunters Blues Band PLUS Dawg n Bonez - www.facebook.com/TheHeadHuntersBluesBand/

4th June   -   Lightnin' Willie & The Poor Boys - www.lightninwillie.com

28th May   -   RHR - Redfern, Hutchinson & Ross - www.facebook.com/RedfernHutchinsonRoss

21st May   -   Chad Strentz & The Chad-illacs - http://www.chadstrentz.com

14th May   -   Grainne Duffy - https://www.grainneduffy.com

7th May   -   Catfish - https://www.catfishbluesband.co.uk - The Tuesday Night Music Club's 200th Show

30th April   -   The Giles Robson Band - http://www.gilesrobson.com

23rd April   -   The Cinelli Brothers - http://www.cinellibrothers.com

16th April   -   Dom Martin & Friends - http://dommart.in/index.html

9th April   -   The Stevie Watts Trio feat. Alice Armstrong - http://www.steviewatts.org

2nd April   -   Sean Taylor PLUS Tamara Stewart - https://www.seantaylorsongs.com   www.tamarastewartmusic.com

26th March   -   Storm Warning - https://www.facebook.com/stormwarning.co.uk/

19th March   -   The Beki Brindle Band - http://www.bekibrindle.com

12th March   -   The Hitman Blues Band - http://www.hitmanbluesband.com

5th March   -   Katie Bradley & Ritchie Lane - http://katiebradley.co.uk   https://www.ritchielaneblues.co.uk

26th February   -   Ariel Posen PLUS Mike Ross - www.arielposen.com   www.mikerossmusic.co.uk

19th February   -   Dan Burnett - http://www.danburnett.co.uk

12th February   -   Greg Coulson - https://www.gregcoulson.co.uk

5th February   -   Connor Selby - www.connorselby.com

29th January   -   Steve Bailey with Mississippi MacDonald & Band - https://mississippimacdonald.com

22nd January   -   Paul Lamb & Chad Strentz - http://www.paullamb.com/duo.html

15th January   -   Spikedrivers - http://www.spikedrivers.net

8th January   -   Del Bromham's Blues Devils - http://www.stray-the-band.co.uk/del-bromham/


18th December   -  Christmas with Northsyde AND 24Pesos - www.northsyde.co.uk   http://www.24pesos.com

11th December   -  The Starlite Campbell Band - http://starlite-campbell.com

4th December   -  Ian Siegal - https://iansiegal.com

27th November   -  Elles Bailey PLUS Trevor Babajack Steger - www.ellesbailey.com  www.trevorbabajacksteger.com

20th November   -  The Dave Kelly Band

13th November   -  Dave Ferra & His Allstars - Album Launch - http://www.daveferra.co.uk

6th November   -  Sam Kelly's Station House - http://www.sam-kelly.co.uk/sam-kelly’s-station-house/

23rd October   -  RHR with Troy Redfern & Jack J Hutchinson & Mike Ross - www.facebook.com/RedfernHutchinsonRoss

16th October   -  The Guy Tortora Band - http://www.guytortora.com

9th October   -  Rainbreakers - http://www.therainbreakers.com

2nd October   -  Ruby & The Revelators - http://www.rubyandtherevelators.co.uk

25th September   -  The Voodoo Sheiks - https://www.voodoo-sheiks.com

18th September   -  The Achievers - http://www.theachieversuk.com

11th September   -  Beaux Gris Gris - https://www.facebook.com/beauxgrisgris/

4th September   -  24 Pesos - http://www.24pesos.com

28th August   -  Lisa Mann - http://www.lisamannmusic.com

21st August   -  Catfish - www.catfishbluesband.co.uk

14th August   -  Soul Sessions - www.facebook.com/TinaSoulSessions/

7th August   -  Tom C Walker - https://www.tomwalkerofficial.com

31st July   -  Red Butler AND Crossfire at our 4th Anniversary Party - http://redbutlermusic.com

24th July   -   The Greg Coulson Band - http://www.gregcoulson.co.uk

17th July   -  Giles Hedley & The Aviators - no website

10th July   -  The Troy Redfern Band - http://troyredfern.com

3rd July   -   The Robin Bibi Band - http://robinbibiband.co.uk

26th June   -   Broken Levee - http://brokenlevee.co.uk

19th June   -   The Matt Edwards Band - http://www.mattedwardsmusic.com

12th June   -   Big River AND London Blusion - www.facebook.com/bigriverblues/   https://londonblusion.com

5th June  -   Benjamin Bassford - www.benjaminbassford.com

22nd May   -   The Lewis Hamilton Band - http://www.lewishamiltonmusic.co.uk

15th May   -   The Zoe Green Band - http://www.zoegreenband.com

8th May   -   The Luke Doherty Band - http://www.lukedoherty.com

1st May      -    The Mike Ross Band - http://www.mikerossmusic.co.uk

24th April   -   Matt Long

17th April   -   The Paul Cox Band - https://www.facebook.com/paulblues/

10th April   -   Geoff Achison & The UK Souldiggers - www.geoffachison.com

3rd April      -     Elles Bailey - https://www.ellesbailey.com

27th March   -   The Kris Barras Band PLUS Jack J Hutchinson - http://www.krisbarrasband.com    https://jackjhutchinsonmusic.com

20th March   -   John O'Leary's Sugarkane - https://www.johnolearyb.com

13th March   -   Malaya Blue - https://malayablue.com

6th March   -   George Shovlin & The Radars - http://georgeshovlinandtheradars.co.uk

20th February   -   Yoka & The Sugarbeats - https://www.yoka.londo

13th February   -   The Robert J Hunter Band - http://robertjhunter.co.uk

6th February   -   Dan Burnett - http://www.danburnett.co.uk

30th January   -   Mississippi MacDonald & Steve Bailey with The Soul Fixers - https://mississippimacdonald.com

23rd January   -   The John Verity Band - http://www.johnverity.com

16th January   -   Crossfire feat. Marcus Praestgaard-Stevens


19th December   -   Christmas with... Red Butler!  http://redbutlermusic.com

12th December  -   Tim Hain & Robin Bibi - www.timhain.com  robinbibiband.co.uk

5th December   -   Richard Townend & The Mighty Bosscats and JW-Jones - www.richardtownend.com

28th November  -  Voodoo Sheiks AND Sugarman Sam & The Voodoo Men -   www.voodoo-sheiks.com  www.ssvdm.co.uk

21st November   -   Northsyde  -   www.northsyde.co.uk

14th November  -   Catfish -   www.catfishbluesband.co.uk

7th November   -   Redhouse

24th October   -   Yoka & The Sugarbeats   -   https://www.yoka.london

17th October  -   Chris King Robinson AND JFK Blue  -   www.chriskingrobinson.com   www.jfkblue.com

10th October   -   Walrus   -   www.facebook.com/pg/walrusbanduk/

3rd October  -   Broken Levee AND The Brent Hutchinson Band  -  www.brokenlevee.co.uk   www.brenthutchinson.com

26th September   -  Roadhouse -   www.roadhousegb.liveblues.info

19th September  -   The Big Wolf Band PLUS Crossfire with Marcus Praestgaard-Stevens -  www.bigwolfband.com

12th September   -   Dave Ferra Band Plus Nigel Feist   -  www.daveferra.co.uk

5th September   -   Matt Long & Katie Bradley Featuring The Rough House Trio

29th August   -   Ash Wilson Band   -   http://www.ashwilsonmusic.com

22nd August   -   The Kris Barras Band   -    http://www.krisbarrasband.com

15th August   -   Paul Cox's Birthday Party  -  https://www.facebook.com/paulblues/  

8th August   -  The Mark Pontin Group   -   www.markpontingroup.com

1st August   -  3rd BIRTHDAY PARTY with Red Butler AND Northsyde!

25th July   -   The Tom Walker Trio -  http://www.tomwalkerofficial.com

18th July   -   The Old Avengers   -    www.theoldavengers.com

11th July   -   Debbie Bond   -    www.debbiebond.com

4th July   -   The Robin Bibi Band   -   www.robinbibiband.co.uk

27th June   -   Katie Bradley & Chris Corcoran Trio   -  www.katiebradleyblues.com   www.chriscorcoranmusic.com

20th June   -   The John Verity Band   -  www.johnverity.com

13th June   -   Rainbreakers   -    www.therainbreakers.com

6th June    -    Backwater Roll Blues Band   -    www.facebook.com/Backwater-Roll-Blues-Band

30th May   -   The Guy Tortora Band   -   www.guytortora.com

23rd May   -   Mark Harrison AND The Fran McGillivray Band   -   www.markharrisonrootsmusic.com  www.franmike.com

16th May   -   The Lewis Hamilton Band   -    www.lewishamiltonmusic.com

9th May   -   Uncle Buck & Katie Bradley -   www.unclebuckband.com  www.katiebradleyblues.com

2nd May   -   Bad Pennies   -   www.badpennies.co.uk

25th April   -   Storm Warning   -   www.facebook.com/stormwarning.co.uk

18th April   -   The Troy Redfern Band   -   www.troyredfern.com

11th April   -   Half Deaf Clatch AND Benjamin Bassford   -   www.halfdeafclatch.com  www.benjaminbassford.com

4th April         Will Johns and Friends   -   www.willjohns.com

28th March     Swampgrass   -    www.swampgrass.co.uk

21st March      Geoff Achison & The UK Souldiggers  -   www.geoffachison.com

14th March     Elles Bailey   -   www.ellesbailey.com

7th March        Mike Ross and Friends   -   www.mikerossmusic.co.uk

21st February   Gary Grainger AND Auld Man’s Baccie  -   www.facebook.com/graingergary   www.auldmansbaccie.co.uk

14th February  Yoka & The Sugarbeats  -    www.yoka.london

7th February     Steve Morrison AND Amanda St John   -   www.bluesabuse.com   www.amandastjohnmusic.co.uk

24th January   Big River AND The John Doe Trio   -   www.bigriver1.bandcamp.com  www.johndoeblues.co.uk

17th January    The Laura Holland Band   -   www.laurahollandband.co.uk

10th January    The Delta Ladies   -   www.deltaladies.com


20th December   The Riotous Brothers  -   www.riotousbrothers.com

13th December    Troy Redfern & Salvation Jayne

6th December      The Giles Hedley Trio

29th November   The Dove & Boweevil Band

22nd November   Northsyde

15th November  Flawless Carbon

8th November     Catfish

1st November     Stark

25th October      Jack J Hutchinson's Boom Boom Brotherhood

18th October      The Sharpees and The Voodoo Sheiks

11th October       Elles Bailey

4th October         Sean Taylor

27 Sep 2016          Black Market III

20 Sep 2016          Red Butler

13 Sep 2016          Andre Bisson Rhythm  & Blues Experience

6 Sep 2016             Mississippi MacDonald & The Cottonmouth Kings

30 Aug 2016          Yoka and The Sugarbeats

23 Aug 2016          Lewis Hamilton Band

16 Aug 2016         Catfish & Salvation Jayne

9 Aug 2016            Debbie Bond

2 Aug 2016            Roadhouse

26 Jul 2016           Wily Bo Walker Band

19 Jul 2016           Jamie Williams & The Roots Collective

12 Jul 2016           The Sam Paine Trio

5 Jul 2016               Katie Bradley and The Chris Corcoran Trio

28 Jun 2016          The Rainbreakers

21 Jun 2016          Dave Ferra Allstars

14 Jun 2016          Robin Bibi Band

7 Jun 2016             Bad Influence

31 May 2016        Karena K Band

17 May 2016        George Shovlin & The Radars

10 May 2016        Blue Touch

3 May 2016           Troy Redfern Band

26 Apr 2016           Half Deaf Clatch

19 Apr 2016           Paul Cox Band

12 Apr 2016           The Mighty Bosscats

5 Apr 2016              Rebecca Downes Band

29 Mar 2016         JW Jones

22 Mar 2016         Steve Morrison & Al Hughes

15 Mar 2016         Saiichi Sugiyama Band

8 Mar 2016            Northsyde

1 Mar 2016            Sam Kelly’s Station House

23 Feb 2016          Red Butler

16 Feb 2016           Salvation Jayne

9 Feb 2016               The Sharpees

2 Feb 2016              Chad & The Chad-illacs

26 Jan 2016          Storm Warning

19 Jan 2016          Andy Twyman

12 Jan 2016          Catfish

5 Jan 2016            Will Johns


29 Dec 2015          The Riotous Brothers

22 Dec 2015          The Old Avengers

15 Dec 2015          Matt Woosey

8 Dec 2015            The Laura Holland Band

1 Dec 2015            Fran McGillivray Band

24 Nov 2015        Paul Lamb & Chad Strentz

17 Nov 2015        Malaya Blue

3 Nov 2015           Backwater Roll

20 Oct 2015         Rosco Levee

6 Oct 2015            Chad & The Chad-illacs

22 Sep 2015         David Raphael & Nick Hyde

25 Aug 2015        Voodoo Sheiks

11 Aug 2015        Andre Bisson Rhythm & Blues Experience

28 Jul 2015          Robin Bibi Band

14 Jul 2015          Ruby & The Revelators

30 Jun 2015         Rebecca Downes

16 Jun 2015         Dave Arcari

2 Jun 2015            Poplar Jake & The Electric Delta Review

19 May 2015       Giles Hedley & The Aviators  - no website

5 May 2015          Little Devils

21 Apr 2015          Dave Jackson Band

7 Apr 2015             Ged Wilson

24 Mar 2015        Gary Grainger

10 Mar 2015        Bad Influence

24 Feb 2015           Sam Kelly Band

27 Jan 2015          The Sharpees

13 Jan 2015          Laura Holland Band


30 Dec 2014           Martin McNeill & Ramon Goose

16 Dec 2014           Mississippi MacDonald & The Cottonmouth Kings

2 Dec 2014              Richard Townend

18 Nov 2014         Zoe Schwarz Blue Commotion

4 Nov 2014            King Size Slim

21 Oct 2014          Mark Harrison

7 Oct 2014             Ma Polaine’s Great Decline

23 Sep 2014          Katie Bradley & Dudley Ross & David Ferra

9 Sep 2014             Trevor Sewell

26 Aug 2014          Paul Cox Trio

12 Aug 2014          Rabbit Foot

29 Jul 2014            Half Deaf Clatch

These are the artists who have previously graced the stage at The Club.